Saturday, February 4, 2012

Please keep this outside my bedspace.

I love what I do, I love my patients, and I appreciate the caring, loving and concern family members. What I really hate are the selfish family members. The ones who show up at the bedside and make everything about them. The ones that make personal demands that have no relationships to my sick patient well being. Please do not ask me when my patient would be extubated so he can sign his estate will over to you because he is going to die. Please don't tell me that you have a lawyer at my bedside that is being paid for each hour that I am wasting doing nothing. Please don't ask me to be a witness to an estate will when you know that if you were smart enough to have a high paying lawyer at my bedside, you should have been smart enough to bring your own witnesses for your personal legal issues. Please don't get in my face when I refused to be your witness knowing that you had no business asking me to jeopardize my license because of your greediness and selfishness. Please take this outside my bed space. The fact that my patient has been intubated for days, medicated, can't talk or follow commands and weak but you want him to still sign this document is just beyond human. There is no way that this document would be or should consider legal if he signs it in this state of mind. The fact that you are starting to yell is a sign that you need to get out of my bed space. The fact that he cannot be extubated today because he failed to meet parameters that would make it safe to extubated has you thinking it is my fault, tells you are delusional and really need to step out and away from my bed space. The fact that you are screaming and security is escorting you out of the unit is a sign that I really don't care about your selfishness.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I am going to become a Nurse

I remembered in 10th grade of high school, being asked about my future career options. Well nursing was on the bottom of the list. After three different majors in college and student loans, nursing became my calling. Why nursing? Well the honest truth is that everyone in my family is a nurse, well to not exaggerate, my mother and sister are nurses’ themselves. While in nursing school it became clear that nursing is my calling. I was good at patient care, good at advance guidance, critical thinking and to tell you the truth, I had the same difficult time in nursing school as everyone else. But going into nursing I already knew that I would be overworked, stressed, unappreciated, not respected, talked down to but I also know that I would be sometimes appreciated, hugged, respected, valued, depended on and trusted upon. Today, looking back, becoming a nurse is one of the best decisions I had made in my life. Not only during this bad economy do I have job stability, good pay, while enjoying what I do, but I also get to make a difference in many people lives.

This blog is just my personal blog. This blog is not for medical advice; see your primary care doctor for that. Please feel free to leave comment and questions.